What we do


Presenting eternal truth in a warm and non-judgmental environment is a hallmark of our work

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We Present Eternal Truth

Next Steps

Free Educational Classes and Baby Boutique

  • We educate women from the first trimester through early childhood, providing instruction on what to expect during pregnancy and preparing them for labor, delivery, and beyond.
  • Each time an expectant mom meets with her volunteer advocate one-on-one, they receive free diapers and wipes. They also earn points at each appointment and can redeem them for items in the baby boutique.

Other Resources
We connect families to other resources in the community that may be of service as we have partnerships with:

  • Financial counselors
  • Immigration referrals
  • Addiction/Counseling
  • GED
  • Pregnancy Medicaid
  • Housing
  • Jobs
  • Daycare

Restoration Classes for Women and Men Who Are Post-Abortive
Save One Women’s Study – Healing the Heartbreak of Abortion

This restoration ministry offers a study dedicated to healing the heartbreak of abortion. Surrendering The Secret and Broken Arrows shine the light of the Gospel into the dark places of the heart, allowing Jesus and the Holy Spirit to penetrate and heal completely! Jesus’ death was for our complete restoration and full expression of our identity in Him, ushering God’s people into the abundant life Jesus promised.

Become an Advocate

12 + 15 =

What we do

How We Serve


We have intervened in the lives of thousands of women facing an unplanned pregnancy with:

  • Free pregnancy tests
  • Sonograms
  • STI testing & treatment
  • The abortion pill reversal


We believe intercession begins long before a woman walks through our doors, and continues throughout her visit.


Presenting eternal truth in a warm and non-judgmental environment is a hallmark of Pregnancy Resource Center. We provide classes in the following areas:

  • Pregnancy/Childbirth
  • Parenting
  • Co-parenting
  • Fatherhood
  • And much more!


God values community. Our Bridge Program introduces moms and their families to life-affirming communities where their faith and family can grow.