What we do


Our Bridge Program introduces moms and their families to life-affirming communites where their faith and family can grow.

Get InvolvedBecome a Church Ambassador


God Values Community

Embrace Grace

We offer Bible studies and share the eternal truth of Christ’s love.

  • The ultimate goal is to connect women and men to a local church, often through an Embrace Grace or Embrace Legacy group.
  • Embrace Grace is an organization that we partner with who helps young women who are single and pregnant find a support group near them. Learn more: https://embracegrace.com/

Become a Church Ambassador

Church supporters and volunteers stand with us on the front lines of the pro-life movement. We thank you for partnering with us.

If your church has yet to join us, now is the time. Although the media, national politicians, and abortion activists would like us to despair, we will have victory, but winning requires all of us.

How Your Church Can Get Involved

  • Invite a representative of PRC to speak at your church
  • Support us financially monthly or annually and encourage church members to do the same
  • Become an Embrace Grace church partner
  • Promote and participate in our annual fundraising events
  • Sign up to receive real-time text messages to pray for patients in our clinics
  • Volunteer
  • Tour our facility

Consider making a tax-deductible financial gift. Your gift, at any level, helps us advance the Gospel and help women choose life for their baby. Because of your continued gifts, we can equip her to parent through 15 months of care and education.

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